ออริเฟลม 45312 Oriflame NUTRITION Health Protective Food Prebiotic Fiber Drink |
In general, fiber - the indigestible part of plants – is an important nutrient for gut health and overall health. Best known as a digestive aid. But there is a special type of soluble fiber, called prebiotic fiber, that plays another important role in gut health – as food for the beneficial microorganisms that reside in the intestinal ecosystem. intestines (Slavin, 2017).
These probiotics play many important roles in gut health and overall health. First, about 70% of the body immune cells are located in intestinal tissue! Aids digestion as well as helps optimize gut health. And a healthy gut is intrinsically related not only to digestive health but also to many other aspects of overall health, both physical and mental (Slavin, 2017).
The problem is that most people do not consume enough fiber in their regular diet. The daily intake recommended by EFSA - the European Food Safety Authority - is a minimum of 25g (EFSA, 2010). But the global average is only about 16g - and much less in many countries (Global Nutrition report, 2021). This means the probiotics do not have enough food to grow and work to support gut health.
Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet.
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